
Category Archives for "Networking"

5 free network-vulnerability scanners

Though you may know and follow basic security measures on your own when installing and managing your network and websites, you'll never be able to keep up with and catch all the vulnerabilities by yourself.Vulnerability scanners can help you automate security auditing and can play a crucial part in your IT security. They can scan your network and websites for up to thousands of different security risks, producing a prioritized list of those you should patch, describe the vulnerabilities, and give steps on how to remediate them. Some can even automate the patching process.Though vulnerability scanners and security auditing tools can cost a fortune, there are free options as well. Some only look at specific vulnerabilities or limit how many hosts can be scanned but there are also those that offer broad IT security scanning.To read this article in full, please click here

You Can Always Add Another Layer of Indirection (RFC1925, Rule 6a)

Many within the network engineering community have heard of the OSI seven-layer model, and some may have heard of the Recursive Internet Architecture (RINA) model. The truth is, however, that while protocol designers may talk about these things and network designers study them, very few networks today are built using any of these models. What is often used instead is what might be called the Infinitely Layered Functional Indirection (ILFI) model of network engineering. In this model, nothing is solved at a particular layer of the network if it can be moved to another layer, whether successfully or not.

For instance, Ethernet is the physical and data link layer of choice over almost all types of physical medium, including optical and copper. No new type of physical transport layer (other than wireless) can succeed unless if can be described as “Ethernet” in some regard or another, much like almost no new networking software can success unless it has a Command Line Interface (CLI) similar to the one a particular vendor developed some twenty years ago. It’s not that these things are necessarily better, but they are well-known.

Ethernet, however, goes far beyond providing physical layer connectivity. Because many applications rely Continue reading

Applying a DevOps Approach to the Network Your App Runs On

ThousandEyes sponsored this post. Mike Hicks Mike is a principal solutions analyst at ThousandEyes, a part of Cisco, and a recognized expert with more than 30 years of experience in network and application performance. If you were to put application and network teams into a single room and ask them if ensuring optimal application performance and availability for their end users was critical to the success of their companies, you would undoubtedly have all heads shaking yes. The question, of course, is how? Many of us have lived through war rooms urgently called in response to degraded customer experiences, due to a performance or availability problem with a key application. Today’s modern applications are more distributed and modular than ever before, so not only has the number of stakeholders increased, but the lines of demarcation have also become blurred — causing confusion over responsibilities. Managing and optimizing application performance today is dependent on an increasingly complex underlying network and internet infrastructure that traditional application monitoring solutions fail to bridge, leaving visibility gaps for DevOps and NetOps to struggle with. These heterogeneous environments introduce changing conditions that are sparking new tactics to manage the application experience; and monitoring is one of Continue reading

InfluxDB 2.0 released

InfluxData advances possibilities of time series data with general availability of InfluxDB 2.0 announced the production release of InfluxDB 2.0. This article demonstrates how to import sFlow data into InfluxDB 2.0 using sFlow-RT in order to provide visibility into network traffic.

Real-time network and system metrics as a service describes how to use Docker Desktop to replay previously captured sFlow data. Follow the instructions in the article to start an instance of sFlow-RT.

Create a directory for InfluxDB to use to store data and configuration settings:
mkdir data
Now start InfluxDB using the pre-built influxdb image:
docker run --rm --name=influxdb -p 8086:8086 \
-v $PWD/data:/var/lib/influxdb2 influxdb:alpine \

Note: sFlow-RT is collecting metrics for all the sFlow agents embedded in switches, routers, and servers. The default value of nats-max-payload-bytes (1048576) may be too small to hold all the metrics returned when sFlow-RT is queried. The error,  nats: maximum payload exceeded, in InfluxDB logs indicates that the limit needs to be increased. In this example, the value has been increased to 10000000.

Now access the InfluxDB web interface at http://localhost:8086/

The screen capture above shows three scrapers configured in InfluxDB 2.0:
  1. sflow-analyzer
    URL: http://host.docker.internal:8008/prometheus/analyzer/txt
  2. sflow-metrics
    Continue reading

Control web applications with two-clicks in Cloudflare Gateway

Control web applications with two-clicks in Cloudflare Gateway
Control web applications with two-clicks in Cloudflare Gateway

Nearly a year ago, we announced Cloudflare for Teams, Cloudflare’s platform for securing users, devices, and data. With Cloudflare for Teams, our global network becomes your team’s network, replacing on-premise appliances and security subscriptions with a single solution delivered closer to your users — wherever they work. Cloudflare for Teams centers around two core products: Cloudflare Access and Cloudflare Gateway.

Cloudflare Gateway protects employees from security threats on the Internet and enforces appropriate use policies. We built Gateway to help customers replace the pain of backhauling user traffic through centralized firewalls. With Gateway, users instead connect to one of Cloudflare’s data centers in 200 cities around the world where our network can apply consistent security policies for all of their Internet traffic.

Control web applications with two-clicks in Cloudflare Gateway

In March 2020, we launched Gateway’s first feature, a secure DNS filtering solution. With Gateway’s DNS filtering, administrators can click a single button to block known threats, like sources of malware or phishing sites. Policies can also be used to block specific risky categories, like gambling or social media. When users request a filtered site, Gateway stops the DNS query from resolving and prevents the device from connecting to a malicious destination or hostname with blocked material.

Continue reading

BrandPost: SD-WAN Is Made SASE-Ready with the Right Security Private Cloud

What is the ideal role of SD-WAN in a SASE architecture?Both SD-WAN and SASE hold great promise, sharing the common goal of securely connecting users to the data and applications critical to doing their jobs and demonstrating the tightening linkage between networking and security investments. Without the right security private cloud, however, SD-WAN lacks the necessary complement that will help organizations fully realize a SASE architecture, especially for addressing remote workers.SD-WAN’s RoleLeveraging the concept of a virtualized network overlay to connect branch offices, SD-WAN allows organizations to better tap the public Internet and low-cost broadband to save on expensive, legacy MPLS connections. Various analysts estimate SD-WAN can help enterprises cut costs by as much as 65% compared to traditional alternatives. SD-WAN benefits run deeper than just infrastructure savings, also including increased network availability, better traffic prioritization, and more intelligent path selection.To read this article in full, please click here

5 top Linux server distros: How to choose the right one

More and more networking pros need to familiarize themselves with Linux because the operating system underpins so many enterprise tools and platforms including software-defined networking and SD-WANs, cloud networking, network automation, and configuration management.And in the decades since it was first introduced, the number of distributions of Linux has blossomed as developers create versions that meet the needs of specific interest groups. While all the versions share a common core, they each have distinguishing characteristic suited to designated purposes.[ Also see Invaluable tips and tricks for troubleshooting Linux. ] This article takes a look at five of them – Debian, Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, and Ubuntu - how to acquire and install them, and an assessment of what they might best be suited for.To read this article in full, please click here

Tiling window manager

A couple of months ago it occurred to me that I’ve been manually tiling my windows. That is, I use all the screen real estate, and don’t have windows overlapping each other.

In various window manages (and on Windows) I have used Super+Left and Super+Right to divide the screen 50/50.

So why am I not running a tiling window manager? That’s literally what they do, and they allow more flexibility in how to tile, without wasting space.

Switching to tiling

A quick googling says that i3 is what I want. Fast, small, efficient. No bells and whistles.

I used it for a little while, but then because I wanted to make it even harder on myself, err… I mean to join the 21st century, I thought I’d switch from X11 to Wayland, too. Luckily there’s a Wayland Compositor that’s equilavent to the i3 Window Manager called Sway.

It’s great! I knew X11 and Gnome had issues, but I didn’t realize just how much better I feel when I don’t have to deal with their deficiencies.


  • screen tearing when scrolling in terminal windows
  • changing focus can take up to a second, sometimes
  • X11 resets keyboard settings when it bloody feels Continue reading

Announcing the Final Candidate Slates for the 2021 Board of Trustees Elections

On behalf of the 2020-2021 Nominations Committee, I am pleased to announce the final slates of candidates for the 2021 Internet Society Board of Trustees elections.

Chapters Election

As announced to this community on March 1, we received the required number of signatures in support of Glenn McKnight’s petition to stand as a candidate in the Chapters election. No other petitions were filed for the Chapters election. Therefore, the final slate for the Chapters Election is as follows:

  • Leiska Evanson
  • Luis Martinez
  • Glenn Carl McKnight
  • Rao Naveed Bin Rais
  • Muhammad Shabbir
  • Niels ten Oever

Chapter voters will elect one trustee in the 2021 election.

Separately, the Board, acting pursuant to its authority under Article II, Section 1(d), of the Internet Society By-Laws, has announced its intention to offer the runner-up in the Chapters Election a one-year appointment as trustee. This will restore the board to its usual complement of 12 voting members comprised of equal numbers from all three communities: Chapters, Organizational Members and the IETF. The number of voting members fell to 11 when Olga Cavalli resigned with one year remaining in her term.

Organizational Members Election

There were no successful petitions in the Organizational Members election, so Continue reading

Tech Bytes: Manufacturer Taps Fortinet SD-WAN For IT/OT Convergence (Sponsored)

Dutch manufacturer Wavin wanted to securely connect offices and factories. The company turned to Fortinet SD-WAN to support its cloud-first strategy and converge its IT/OT security requirements. Fortinet is the sponsor for this Tech Byte episode, and our guest from Wavin is Gerben Bremmer, Manager Networking Services EMEA.

The post Tech Bytes: Manufacturer Taps Fortinet SD-WAN For IT/OT Convergence (Sponsored) appeared first on Packet Pushers.

On Using the Right Word

A while back, I was sitting in a meeting where the presenter described switching from a “traditional, hierarchical data center fabric” to a spine-and-leaf (while drawing CLOS, in all capital letters, on the whiteboard). He pointed out that the spine-and-leaf design is simpler because it only has two tiers rather than three.

There is so much wrong with this I almost winced in physical pain. Traditional hierarchical designs are not fabrics. Spine-and-leaf fabrics are not CLOS, but Clos, fabrics. Clos fabrics have three stages, not two—even if we draw them “folded” so you only see two apparent levels to the fabric. In fact, all spine-and-leaf fabrics always have an odd number of stages, and they are stages, not tiers.

More recently, I heard someone talking about an operating system that was built using microservices. I thought—“that would be at neat trick.” To build something with microservices does not just mean a piece of software using modules—this would be modular application (or operating system) design. Microservices architectures break the application up into the most basic components possible and then scale each kind of component out (rather than up) by spinning new copies of each service as needed. I cannot imagine Continue reading

Not the Encryption Apocalypse…Yet

“This destroys the RSA cryptosystem.”

That is the last sentence in the abstract of a new, preliminary, dense mathematical paper published by renowned mathematician Claus Peter Schnorr. If this turns out to be true, it will mean bad news for anybody who relies on the underpinnings of encryption – which is everyone!

The paper, posted as a pre-print, meaning it is a draft paper that must undergo academic peer review, claims it has found an algorithm that significantly speeds up a particular kind of mathematical problem called factorization. Factorization is the process of finding two numbers that, when multiplied together, provide the given number. For example, calculating 23 x 29 is easy. (Try it yourself.) But factorizing 437 – finding the two numbers that multiply together to make 437 – will take anybody a bit of time. (It’s 19 x 23 by the way.)

Schnorr claims that he has found a way to significantly speed up the calculation needed to perform factorization – a claim that is currently widely disputed. Supposedly, his method will factor a number with roughly 260 digits about ten trillion times faster than previous methods.

Does Math Matter?

Factorization is the mathematical puzzle Continue reading

Network Break 323: Google To Swap 3rd-Party Cookies For Cohorts; Attackers Exploit On-Prem Exchange

This week's Network Break checks the fine print on a Google pledge to phase out third-party cookie tracking, examines a serious attack against Microsoft Exchange servers, dives into HPE's latest financial results, and analyzes more tech news.

The post Network Break 323: Google To Swap 3rd-Party Cookies For Cohorts; Attackers Exploit On-Prem Exchange appeared first on Packet Pushers.

The Week in Internet News: Lawmakers Point to ‘Extremist’ Content on YouTube

Extreme video: A group of Democratic lawmakers in the U.S. has demanded that YouTube explain its policies related to dealing with extremist content, Yahoo News reports. “Incendiary content that indoctrinates, radicalizes, and mobilizes extremists continues to flourish” on YouTube, the lawmakers wrote.

Blaming encryption: Meanwhile, a new government report on possible extremist attacks on the U.S. Capitol says information on future plans are becoming harder to find because militia groups have shifted to encryption tools, Axios reports. U.S. law enforcement authorities appear to be trying to resurrect their calls for encryption backdoors even as extremist groups post information on public websites like YouTube.

Blaming the website: The U.S. isn’t the only government looking to hold websites more responsible for user-generated content. India’s information technology ministry has finalized a set of rules intended to make online service providers more accountable for their users’ bad behavior, notes. The Brookings blog post suggests that this effort, mirrored by a similar debate in the U.S., will be a grave threat to free speech and privacy rights.

Clamping down: Meanwhile basic rights in 10 African countries are threatened by a trend toward digital authoritarianism, according to a Continue reading