
Category Archives for "Networking"

Automation Solution: Deploy BGP Routing with YANG Data Models

A while ago Ruben Tripiana tried to configure BGP on Cisco IOS using IETF YANG data models… and failed. In Spring 2019 Building Network Automation Solutions online course Chris Crook decided to deploy BGP routing on multiple platforms using YANG data models instead of configuration templates. Not only did he succeed, he also documented his work and the tools he used, and published the solution so you can replicate his efforts.

You can find many more network automation solutions created by the attendees of our automation course in solutions showcase.

Controlling Information Flow: NATS Subjects and Queues

Publish/subscribe messaging platforms like NATS allow us to build highly event-driven software systems, where we can build software to constantly listen for relevant messages and take action accordingly. This is what makes EDI projects like StackStorm (a project I’ve worked on and written about before) - and others like it- so powerful. Another advantage of pub/sub systems is that publishers don’t have to know or care if anyone is listening.

Controlling Information Flow: NATS Subjects and Queues

Publish/subscribe messaging platforms like NATS allow us to build highly event-driven software systems, where we can build software to constantly listen for relevant messages and take action accordingly. This is what makes EDI projects like StackStorm (a project I’ve worked on and written about before) - and others like it- so powerful. Another advantage of pub/sub systems is that publishers don’t have to know or care if anyone is listening.

Citrix Meshes Istio Service Mesh Into Its ADC Platform

The company is offering Istio in two ways: as an ingress gateway for north-south traffic into the...

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Kubernetes Kills Containership’s Cruise

The company's founder and CTO explained that it was unable to adequately monetize its operations in...

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Rubrik, NetApp Catapult Data Management to the Cloud

The partnership aims to simplify data management on cloud-scale architectures through policy-based...

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Full Stack Journey 034: Choosing Your Own Adventure

If you've ever thought about working for yourself, catch this episode of the Full Stack Journey. Guest Ned Bellavance discusses his decision to leave a job as an IT consultant to become an independent content creator of tech training material. Ned shares real-world insights into his experience along with practical takeaways.

Full Stack Journey 034: Choosing Your Own Adventure

If you've ever thought about working for yourself, catch this episode of the Full Stack Journey. Guest Ned Bellavance discusses his decision to leave a job as an IT consultant to become an independent content creator of tech training material. Ned shares real-world insights into his experience along with practical takeaways.

The post Full Stack Journey 034: Choosing Your Own Adventure appeared first on Packet Pushers.

NSX-T 2.5 What is new for Kubernetes

NSX-T 2.5 was released last week and now we also have the new NSX Container Plugin 2.5 on the market…. VMworld US 2019 is also over with announcements of huge innovations like NSX Intelligence, enhanced security, and improved operability and observability. You can find more information here! I would like to take this opportunity to specifically highlight the new containers capabilities we had been working on for this release.

What is new in NSX Container plugin (NCP)

Simplified UI (Policy API) support

With the introduction of the new intent-based Policy API and corresponding Simplified UI, administrators have seen that objects created by NCP for Kubernetes are not visible in the new UI. Instead they had to go to the Advanced Networking & Security tab that corresponds to the old imperative APIs. Furthermore, all related objects like T0, IP Block, IP Pool had to be created using the Advanced Networking & Security tab. I am happy to announce that from NCP 2.5+ we have a parameter in the NCP configmap (ncp.ini) policy_nsxapi that can be set to True. In that case, NCP will start calling the new intent-based API and all objects will be visible in the simplified UI. Continue reading

3 quick tips for working with Linux files

Linux provides a wide variety of commands for working with files — commands that can save you time and make your work a lot less tedious.Finding files When you're looking for files, the find command is probably going to be the first command to come to mind, but sometimes a well-crafted ls command works even better. Want to remember what you called that script you were working on last night before you fled the office and drove home? Easy! Use an ls command with the -ltr options. The last files listed will be the ones most recently created or updated.$ ls -ltr ~/bin | tail -3 -rwx------ 1 shs shs 229 Sep 22 19:37 checkCPU -rwx------ 1 shs shs 285 Sep 22 19:37 ff -rwxrw-r-- 1 shs shs 1629 Sep 22 19:37 test2 A command like this one will list only the files that were updated today:To read this article in full, please click here

Aryaka’s HybridWAN Boasts Multi-Tenancy, Enhanced Firewalls

Its HybridWAN allows low-priority traffic to be routed over broadband or 4G LTE while running...

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Verizon NG-PON2 Trial Hits 34 Gb/s Speed

The trial with network partner Calix used SDN to bond four multi-gig fiber optic channels.

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Broadcom Targets 5G Networks, Hyperscale Security

Broadcom released a dual 400G MACSec PHY device to support increasing bandwidth demands and...

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NSX-T Data Center and EUC Design Guide Release

When it comes to VMware NSX, support for VMware Horizon deployments have been a staple ask every release.  NSX compliments Horizon deployments tremendously by:

  • Helping to provide the networking for the Horizon components
  • Identity and firewalling security for VDI and RDSH desktops
  • Endpoint protection
  • Load balancing

Earlier this year, NSX-T Data Center 2.4 was released which brought identity firewalling, endpoint protection, and other necessary features for customers to consume equivalent to NSX Data Center for vSphere.  The release of NSX-T Data Center 2.5 takes those features and provides even further scale enhancements to support small, medium, and the largest Horizon deployments.

NSX-T Data Center and EUC Design Guide

The NSX-T and EUC Design Guide takes information provided in the VMware Horizon Reference Architecture and the VMware NSX-T Reference Design Guide, and brings the two platforms together into a single solution.

Use Cases and What’s Covered

Let’s take a look at what all is covered and the use cases that NSX-T Data Center has for Horizon deployments:

Horizon Pod Alignment

NSX-T Data Center 2.5 supports massive scale that can cover an entire Horizon Pod scale, and more in some cases.  This design guide Continue reading

How Operators Can Work With Developers to Monetize Edge

Operators and developers need to work together to bring edge uses to market and capitalize on the...

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In Colombia: Latin American Summit on Community Networks

Colombia landscape

The University of Cundinamarca will host the Second Latin American Summit of Community Networks September 24-28. The event is organized by the Community Networks Special Interest Group, the Fusa Libre Collective, and the Colombia Chapter, with backing from the Internet Society.

The Summit, which will include representatives of 24 organizations that operate community networks in different countries, is meant to be a resource for the region. On the first day there will be 12 presentations that will share experiences from projects developed in countries such as Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico.

During the rest of the Summit, attendees will explore topics that will help strengthen their projects and enhance their development. The topics addressed in these working sessions have been defined collaboratively: gender-related issues, regulatory frameworks, local content, methodological strategies for community work, and actions for the promotion and deployment of new community networks. It could not be otherwise in a community where collaboration has stood out. In addition, attendees can share their experiences and best practices.

Although many people are familiar with the term “community networks,” their collaborative nature can be a surprise to those who are learning about how they function. Seeing people working together to plan, Continue reading

Heavy Networking 473: Synthetic Transactions, SD-WAN Readiness, And Internet Outage Autopsies With ThousandEyes (Sponsored)

ThousandEyes sponsors today's Heavy Networking for a wide-ranging episode that explores a new synthetic transaction monitoring feature, discusses why performance monitoring is essential to prepare for SD-WAN rollouts, and walks through postmortems on 2019's biggest Internet outages. Guests Alex Henthorn-Iwane and Angelique Medina join us.

The post Heavy Networking 473: Synthetic Transactions, SD-WAN Readiness, And Internet Outage Autopsies With ThousandEyes (Sponsored) appeared first on Packet Pushers.

Inside the Web Browser’s Performance API

Inside the Web Browser’s Performance API

Building a beautiful, feature-rich website is easier than ever before. Not long ago, you’d have to fire up a text editor and hand-craft a lot of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Today, you can use WYSIWYG tools and third-party libraries that make development much simpler. The flip side of this is that it can be hard to see everything that’s going into your website — and the performance can suffer.

The good news is that modern web browsers expose lots of performance data that can help you understand how your web page performs. With the launch of Browser Insights today, we can analyze the performance from the perspective of the web browser and what the end user actually experiences. In this post, we’ll dive into how we think about performance and utilize the timing APIs in the web browser.

How web browsers measure performance

In the old days, the only way for a developer to profile performance was to intercept requests and measure the time from the beginning of the page load until the end of the load event.

Today, we can use Web APIs that are supported by modern browsers. This is part of the web standard called the Performance Continue reading

Introducing Browser Insights

Introducing Browser Insights

Speed matters. We know that when your website or app gets faster, users have a better experience and you get more conversions and more revenue. At Cloudflare, we spend our days obsessing about speed and building new features to squeeze out as much performance as possible.

But to improve speed, you first need to measure it. That’s why we’re launching Browser Insights: a new tool that measures the performance of your website from the perspective of your users. Browser Insights lets you dive in to understand where, when, and why web pages are slow. And you can enable it today, for free, with one click.

Introducing Browser Insights

Why did we build Browser Insights?

Let’s say you run an e-commerce site, and you want to make your conversion rates better. You’ve noticed that there’s a lot of traffic from visitors in Peru, but they have worse conversion than users in North America. Maybe you theorize that it takes a long time to load your checkout page, which causes customers to drop off before checking out. How would you verify that this is happening?

There are a few ways you could do this: you could check your server logs to look at timing Continue reading