The Real Need for Cybersecurity
According to the US Department of Homeland Security, “Our daily life, economic vitality, and national security depend on a stable, safe, and resilient cyberspace.” Digital infrastructure has infiltrated most aspects of our daily lives. When you start thinking about this in depth, it is easy to see how quickly things can turn s ugly.
Have you ever considered what would happen if our power grid was attacked? Beyond some of the domino effects the power grid itself has, think about the work to bring it back online. We are all accustomed to managing systems with other systems. A widespread power issue could create some very interesting chicken and egg problems.
Maybe some are smug enough to think they cannot be affected–with their resilient systems and diesel generators. Ever consider the likelihood of that fuel supply being available for the long term if there’s no utility power available at other places? The affected part of the world would be so challenged by such an event that everyone would be impacted, directly and indirectly. No power, no computers, no network and no ability to transact business in the ways that we are accustomed to. In other words, the possibility of impacting physiological layer of Continue reading