Simplivity attacks the ‘unbearable complexity’ of IT
Hyperconvergence is a relatively new buzzword but Westborough, Mass.,-based Simplivity is already boasting of creating version 3.0 of this emerging IT model. In this installment of the IDG CEO Interview Series, Simplivity CEO Doron Kempel talked with IDG US Media Chief Content Officer John Gallant about how Simplivity’s OmniStack outperforms competitors like Nutanix and claims customers deploying workloads on Simplivity can save 22% to nearly 50% compared to running them on Amazon Web Services. Kempel also talked about Simplivity’s partnerships with Cisco, VMware and Lenovo and explored why it took nearly four years to bring the company’s vision of hyperconvergence to reality. To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here(Insider Story)