Cisco Announces New CCNA and CCNP IoT Cloud Certifications, Could a CCIE Cloud be on the Horizon?
As many of you have heard by now, Cisco has announced their new CCNA Cloud and CCNP Cloud certifications. These certifications are designed to be a focus-based around their “Internet of Things” (IoT) concept, which will also play into the “Internet of Everything” (IoE) transformation that we’ll see happening over the next several years. In addition to Cisco, so many other companies are participating in the IoT concept, at a minimum, the companies listed here.
As a quick summary, the IoT definition refers to the endpoints, devices, and networks that connect to the internet, whereas their IoE definition is more of a “tied in system” that brings networked devices, and endpoints (IoT) together into a much larger solution that will allow the ability to connect people, places, and things in a much more relevant and valuable way than ever imagined. IoE brings people, processes, data, and the connected devices together to form – essentially, in my own words “a connected world”.
For a visual explanation, check out this slideshow and video (which I love) developed by Cisco.
Top IoT Trends and Their Impact on the Internet of Everything
Cisco’s Internet of Everything | Circle Story
As I read into Cisco’s Continue reading