
Category Archives for "Networking"

Travelers enlists Symantec to advise cyber insurance customers

The Travelers insurance company has teamed up with Symantec to give policyholders cyber security assessments and consultation in order to help them manage risks.The self-assessment consists of filling out a 25-question survey and getting a written report of how well their network and data protection stacks up. If they want to, they can talk to a consultant who walks them through the results and recommends steps they could take to remediate risks.+More on Network World: Synack: Hackers wanted after firm gets $21.25M funding from Microsoft, HPE+To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Travelers enlists Symantec to advise cyber insurance customers

The Travelers insurance company has teamed up with Symantec to give policyholders cyber security assessments and consultation in order to help them manage risks.The self-assessment consists of filling out a 25-question survey and getting a written report of how well their network and data protection stacks up. If they want to, they can talk to a consultant who walks them through the results and recommends steps they could take to remediate risks.+More on Network World: Synack: Hackers wanted after firm gets $21.25M funding from Microsoft, HPE+To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Unpatched vulnerability exposes Magento online shops to hacking

An unpatched vulnerability in the Magento e-commerce platform could allow hackers to upload and execute malicious code on web servers that host online shops.The flaw was discovered by researchers from security consultancy DefenseCode and is located in a feature that retrieves preview images for videos hosted on Vimeo. Such videos can be added to product listings in Magento.The DefenseCode researchers determined that if the image URL points to a different file, for example a PHP script, Magento will download the file in order to validate it. If the file is not an image, the platform will return a "Disallowed file type" error, but won't actually remove it from the server.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Changing The Baby With The Bathwater In IT

If you’re sitting in a presentation about the “new IT”, there’s bound to be a guest speaker talking about their digital transformation or service provider shift in their organization. You can see this coming. It’s a polished speaker, usually a CIO or VP. They talk about how, with the help of the vendor on stage with them, they were able to rapidly transform their infrastructure into something modern while at the same time changing processes to accommodate faster IT response, more productive workers, and increase revenue or transform IT from a cost center to a profit center. The key components are simple:

  1. Buy new infrastructure from $vendor
  2. Transform all processes to be more agile, productive, and better.

Why do those things always happen in concert?

Spring Cleaning

Infrastructure grows old. That’s a fact of life. Outside of some very specialized hardware, no one is using the same desktop they had ten years ago. No enterprise is still running Windows 2000 server on an IBM NetFinity server. No one is still using 10Mbps Ethernet over Thinnet to connect their offices. Hardware marches on. So when we buy new things, we as technology professionals need to find a way to integrate them Continue reading

An agile Air Force slashes time to roll out new IT capabilities

Can an organization really cut development time more than 70 percent by embracing the agile philosophy and open architecture? The intelligence-gathering arm of the U.S. Air Force says it's done just that.The Air Force's Distributed Common Ground System, a network of 27 surveillance and intelligence-gathering sites, projects that it will ultimately save hundreds of millions of dollars by moving to agile development, open architecture, and infrastructure-as-a-service, said Wes Haga, chief of mission applications and infrastructure programs at the Air Force Research Lab.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Machine learning solutions put a twist on enterprise network architecture

Machine learning is a modern wonder, but as with any new technology, opinions differ as to what the future holds.  Some label it a fad, while others see limitless applications.We are firmly in the optimistic camp.  Machine learning, even as it continues to develop, is already widely understood, and open-source libraries and cloud computing engines make the technology accessible to every software engineer.  Most important, machine learning solutions are finding their way into enterprise networks.  We already see machine learning applied to problems such as network management, enterprise security and IoT.As various enterprise networking vendors and startups incorporate machine learning, they are adopting very similar architectures, reinforcing a change in the way we view the network.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Machine learning solutions put a twist on enterprise network architecture

Machine learning is a modern wonder, but as with any new technology, opinions differ as to what the future holds.  Some label it a fad, while others see limitless applications.We are firmly in the optimistic camp.  Machine learning, even as it continues to develop, is already widely understood, and open-source libraries and cloud computing engines make the technology accessible to every software engineer.  Most important, machine learning solutions are finding their way into enterprise networks.  We already see machine learning applied to problems such as network management, enterprise security and IoT.As various enterprise networking vendors and startups incorporate machine learning, they are adopting very similar architectures, reinforcing a change in the way we view the network.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

PNDA provides scalable and reactive network analytics

PNDADuring Networking Field Day 15 our friends from the Linux Foundation, including Lisa Caywood, briefed us on a recent “acquisition” from Cisco. PNDA (Panda) is an open source Platform for Network Data Analytics, which aggregates data from multiple sources on a network including, real time performance indicators, logs, network telemetry, and other useful metrics… then in combination with Apache Spark, the data is analyzed to find useful patterns. None of this should be confused with Cisco’s recent announcement of the Tetration analytics platform. Tetration is a data center focused solution focused on a very particular space, where PNDA is more of a horizontally focused platform that is cross-vendor and cross-dataset. But this project is in no way a fork of the Cisco Tetration product as they evolved from completely separate code bases. Because PNDA is an open source initiative, it is able to take advantage of many existing projects, like Apache Spark, to build a robust analytics platform. Because of this, it allows them to remain extremely flexible.  While PNDA’s focus is solely on network, but there are other projects out there that are utilizing it as a jumping off point to perform Continue reading

How secure is your supply chain?

Today’s global supply chains carry risks that run the gamut from pirates off the coast of East Africa to bad guys tampering with goods in transit. And international supply chains also put companies at risk of violating legislation and policies mandating corporate social responsibility. How can your company make responsible decisions for your supply chain under these conditions?Improving the security of the global supply chain system is a key part of the strategy. With billions of dollars of goods at stake, many companies are working at solving the problem. Blockchain firms like Skuchain have developed ways to secure supply chain information to improve tracking. Other firms like CNL Software and Esri focus on improving the security process at key facilities like ports and warehouses. And firms such as Fleetmatics, Shaw Tracking and Optical Lock are working on securing the “moving supply chain” of trucks, railways, ships and planes. Whether your supply chain includes service providers, software services or goods, there are important risks to be mitigated.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here(Insider Story)

How secure is your supply chain?

Today’s global supply chains carry risks that run the gamut from pirates off the coast of East Africa to bad guys tampering with goods in transit. And international supply chains also put companies at risk of violating legislation and policies mandating corporate social responsibility. How can your company make responsible decisions for your supply chain under these conditions?To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here(Insider Story)

A drone project to change humanitarian disaster response in Philippines.

Philippines is the 4th most disaster-prone country in the world. When a natural disasters hits we are completely wiped out. In remote and rural parts of the Philippines, telecommunications networks can be spotty most of the times. This scenario is willing to change thanks to the Internet Society’s Philippines Chapter new project supported by Beyond the Net Funding Programme.

Benjz Gerard Sevilla

IDG Contributor Network: Survey: Texting is replacing talking for families with kids

Almost a third of people living together in homes no longer converse face-to-face and text as a substitute, says a British insurance company who polled random consumers.Insurance giant Aviva found that a massive 32 percent of respondents text each other “in the same house, rather than actually speaking face-to-face,” it claims in a news release.That statistic soars to almost half (45 percent) when the homes contain kids. One of the reasons, the company believes, is that folks don’t put down their smartphones, and other devices when they’re having meals. Smartphones, or mobiles as they are called there, are in use at mealtime in about a third of homes.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

15% off LaMetric Wi-Fi Clock – Deal Alert

The LaMetric Time tracks time, weather, emails, calendar events, tweets, followers, news, deadlines and any other metric needed for your home or business, and displays them almost in real-time. It works as an always-on display for the whole family by showing notifications from smart home devices and allowing anyone to control them with the click of a button. LaMetric Time eliminates the need to check multiple apps or news sites for the information you need. Instead, you receive key information at a glance, all in one place. The possibilities are endless. It also shows real-time notifications from IFTTT-connected services. LaMetric Time is standalone Wi-Fi device, iPhone or Android smartphone is needed for setting it up and configuration only. The interface is easy to use: left and right buttons for navigation between the apps, middle button for taking related actions. The form factor is sized to fit well on a table, shelf, shop-front or a counter. Wake up to your favourite Internet radio station or stream music from services like Spotify, iTunes, Pandora via Bluetooth. The typical list price on this one-of-a-kind gadget has been reduced 15% from $199 to $169 for a limited time. See this deal on Amazon.To Continue reading

Android gotchas: Fast fixes for 6 common problems

Smartphones have the power to make our lives more efficient. They also have the power to cause major migraines.Let’s face it: Technology wouldn’t be technology without the occasional facepalm-inducing failure—and mobile devices are no exception. But an annoying Android error doesn’t have to send you scrambling to the nearest clueless carrier store or online help forum. I’ve been covering and personally using Android since its infancy, and I’m here to help. (My certified-geek badge is on file in the main office if you need to see it.)[ Android is now ready for real usage in the enterprise. Read InfoWorld’s in-depth guide on how to make Android a serious part of your business. | Get the best office apps and the 38 best business-worthy apps for your Android device. | Keep up on key mobile developments and insights with the Mobile Tech Report newsletter. ] Check out the fixes below or save this story for a rainy day. With these troubleshooting tips in hand, you’ll be swatting away problems and getting back to business in no time—no aspirin required.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here