
Category Archives for "Networking"

How to inventory server software with PowerShell

Being able to quickly identify what software is installed on your servers has value for a host of reasons. Managing software licensing costs and entitlements, planning upgrade budgets, identifying candidates for server consolidation, or even responding to security incidents are all common reasons for performing a software inventory.There are of course enterprise tools for tracking software inventory. But these tools can be expensive and complex, or could have access limited to specific groups or individuals in your organization. Fortunately PowerShell can help with some of the leg work in analyzing the software on your systems in order to help drive your planning and incident response.To read this article in full, please click here

FCC looks into BGP vulnerabilities, in light of Russian hacking threat

The FCC is launching an inquiry into security issues surrounding the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), a widely used standard used to manage interconnectivity between large portions of the Internet.The move, announced Monday, was issued in response to "Russia's escalating actions inside of Ukraine," according to the commission's notice of inquiry.BGP is, in essence, a method of ensuring that independently managed networks that make up the global internet are able to communicate with one another. Its initial design, which the FCC said is still in widespread use today, does not contain important security features, meaning that, simply by misconfiguring its own BGP information, a bad actor could potentially redirect Internet traffic wherever it sees fit. This could let that attacker send incorrect information to its targets, read and compromise login credentials, or simply shut down whichever kinds of traffic it wishes.To read this article in full, please click here

FCC looks into BGP vulnerabilities, in light of Russian hacking threat

The FCC is launching an inquiry into security issues surrounding the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), a widely used standard used to manage interconnectivity between large portions of the Internet.The move, announced Monday, was issued in response to "Russia's escalating actions inside of Ukraine," according to the commission's notice of inquiry.BGP is, in essence, a method of ensuring that independently managed networks that make up the global internet are able to communicate with one another. Its initial design, which the FCC said is still in widespread use today, does not contain important security features, meaning that, simply by misconfiguring its own BGP information, a bad actor could potentially redirect Internet traffic wherever it sees fit. This could let that attacker send incorrect information to its targets, read and compromise login credentials, or simply shut down whichever kinds of traffic it wishes.To read this article in full, please click here

Cisco details delivery of its private 5G services

Cisco will use system integrators, service providers, and channel partners to deliver its subscription-based private-5G managed service supported by its hardware and software, the company announced at Mobile World Congress (MWC).Those partners include JMA, Airspan, Dish Networks, and Logicalis to support the cloud-based service that will integrate with Wi-Fi networks, reduce up-front costs, and provide deployment when and where needed, Cisco says.Cisco will provide its mobile-core technology and IoT portfolio such as Cisco IoT Control Center and Cisco P5G Packet Core as well as IoT sensors and gateways. It will provide device-management software, and monitoring tools via a single portal, the comapy says.To read this article in full, please click here

FCC announces new 5G spectrum auction in 2.5GHz band

FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel announced Tuesday at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona that the US government agency will auction off spectrum in the 2.5GHz band in July for use in 5G networks, paving the way for telecom companies to further expand their midband holdings.The 2.5GHz auction represents the pending sale of what Rosenworcel called “the biggest swath of contiguous midband spectrum we have available below 3GHz,” and will be followed by a further auction of midband spectrum in the 3.1GHz-3.45GHz range.The FCC has had plans for this auction in the works for more than a year, having first sought public comment in January of 2021. The auction will cover roughly 200MHz of spectrum, and will be sold on a per-county basis, according to the earlier request for comment.To read this article in full, please click here

DDoS Mitigation with Cisco, sFlow, and BGP Flowspec

DDoS protection quickstart guide shows how sFlow streaming telemetry and BGP RTBH/Flowspec are combined by the DDoS Protect application running on the sFlow-RT real-time analytics engine to automatically detect and block DDoS attacks.

This article discusses how to deploy the solution in a Cisco environment. Cisco has a long history of supporting BGP Flowspec on their routing platforms and has recently added support for sFlow, see Cisco 8000 Series routersCisco ASR 9000 Series Routers, and Cisco NCS 5500 Series Routers.

First, IOS-XR doesn't provide a way to connect to the non-standard BGP port (1179) that sFlow-RT uses by default. Allowing sFlow-RT to open the standard BGP port (179) requires that the service be given additional Linux capabilities.

docker run --rm --net=host --sysctl net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start=0 \
sflow/ddos-protect -Dbgp.port=179

The above command launches the prebuilt sflow/ddos-protect Docker image. Alternatively, if sFlow-RT has been installed as a deb / rpm package, then the required permissions can be added to the service.

sudo systemctl edit sflow-rt.service

Type the above command to edit the service configuration and add the following lines:


Next, edit the sFlow-RT configuration file for the DDoS Protect application:

sudo vi /usr/local/sflow-rt/conf.d/ddos-protect.conf

Continue reading

How To Blackhole (Null Route) An IPv6 Block On Linux Using ‘ip -6 route’

If there’s an IPv6 netblock you’d like your host to stop responding to, one tactic is to blackhole the traffic. That is, send any traffic from your host destined to the troublesome IPv6 netblock into a blackhole. Blackholes are also called null routes.

A Simple Example

Let’s say I’m getting repeated SQL injection attacks from various hosts in IPv6 block 2a09:8700:1::/48. Just a totally random example with no basis in reality whatsoever, whoever you are in Belize. 🙄 There are various ways I can defend against this, but one (sorta ugly) option (I don’t actually recommend, read to the bottom to see my logic) is to create a blackhole aka a null route.

On many flavors of Linux, including Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, and 22.04, I can accomplish this task with the ip route utility. Let’s take a look at our existing host routing table.

user@host:~$ ip route
default via dev enp1s0 proto dhcp src metric 100 via dev enp1s0 proto dhcp src metric 100 dev enp1s0 proto kernel scope link src 123.94.146. Continue reading

Virtual networks need a rethink to meet hybrid-, multi-cloud demands

Everyone in tech likely thinks they know what “cloud computing” and “networking” mean, but they’re probably wrong, and their misconceptions about the first topic color their view of the second. Yes, the cloud is dominating computing, but most stuff isn’t “moving to the cloud”. This subtle point is already changing how we think about networking.I’ve worked with the cloud from the first, and while there was a bit of “move this to the cloud” going on for server consolidation reasons, the overwhelming majority of stuff enterprises run in the cloud today isn’t an entire application at all. It’s the presentation layer of legacy data-center apps.Corporate transaction processing, data storage and retrieval, and analytics are all things that demand security and reliability. From the first, enterprise executives have been telling me that these activities aren’t going to move to the cloud because they believe that their requirements can’t be met, and the cost would be greater rather than lower. My work with them proves out that view. Despite all the hype about the economy of scale of the cloud providers, the fact is that most enterprises achieve economies close enough to those of the cloud that the difference wouldn’t Continue reading

Growth of hybrid and multi-cloud demands new thinking about virtual networks.

Everyone in tech likely thinks they know what “cloud computing” and “networking” mean, but they’re probably wrong, and their misconceptions about the first topic color their view of the second. Yes, the cloud is dominating computing, but most stuff isn’t “moving to the cloud”. This subtle point is already changing how we think about networking.I’ve worked with the cloud from the first, and while there was a bit of “move this to the cloud” going on for server consolidation reasons, the overwhelming majority of stuff enterprises run in the cloud today isn’t an entire application at all. It’s the presentation layer of legacy data-center apps.Corporate transaction processing, data storage and retrieval, and analytics are all things that demand security and reliability. From the first, enterprise executives have been telling me that these activities aren’t going to move to the cloud because they believe that their requirements can’t be met, and the cost would be greater rather than lower. My work with them proves out that view. Despite all the hype about the economy of scale of the cloud providers, the fact is that most enterprises achieve economies close enough to those of the cloud that the difference wouldn’t Continue reading

Virtual networks need a rethink to meet hybrid-, multi-cloud demands

Everyone in tech likely thinks they know what “cloud computing” and “networking” mean, but they’re probably wrong, and their misconceptions about the first topic color their view of the second. Yes, the cloud is dominating computing, but most stuff isn’t “moving to the cloud”. This subtle point is already changing how we think about networking.I’ve worked with the cloud from the first, and while there was a bit of “move this to the cloud” going on for server consolidation reasons, the overwhelming majority of stuff enterprises run in the cloud today isn’t an entire application at all. It’s the presentation layer of legacy data-center apps.Corporate transaction processing, data storage and retrieval, and analytics are all things that demand security and reliability. From the first, enterprise executives have been telling me that these activities aren’t going to move to the cloud because they believe that their requirements can’t be met, and the cost would be greater rather than lower. My work with them proves out that view. Despite all the hype about the economy of scale of the cloud providers, the fact is that most enterprises achieve economies close enough to those of the cloud that the difference wouldn’t Continue reading

Repost: LISP Is a False Economy

Minh Ha left this comment on the Packet Forwarding 101 blog post. As is usually the case, it’s fun reading and it would be a shame not to repost it as a standalone blog post (even though I don’t necessarily agree with all his conclusions).

I always enjoy Bela’s great insights, esp. on hardware and transport networks, but this time I beg to differ. LISP, is a false economy. It was twisted from the start, unscalable right from the get-go. In Networking and OS, to name (ID) something is to locate it, and vice versa. So the name LISP itself reflects a false distinction. Due to this misconception, LISP proponents are unable to establish the right boundary conditions, leading to the size of xTRs' RIB diverging (going unbounded). In a word, it has come full circle back to BGP, an exemplary manifestation of RFC 1925 rule 6.

MWC: Microsoft expands 5G, edge-network offerings through Azure

Microsoft announced a range of new carrier infrastructure offerings through Azure, including services for private 5G enterpise networks, at this week’s Mobile World Congress, in a move designed to bolster the company’s position as a partner to the telecom industry as 5G and edge computing deployments progess.To read this article in full, please click here

Cloud Engineering For The Network Pro: Part 3 – VPCs And Virtual Networks (Video)

The next installment of Michael Levan’s series on networking in public clouds walks through how to set up a VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) in AWS and a VNet (Virtual Network) in Microsoft Azure. You can subscribe to the Packet Pushers’ YouTube channel for more videos as they are published. It’s a diverse a mix of […]

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Tech Bytes: How Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs Turns Billions Of Security Events Into Intelligence (Sponsored)

Today’s Tech Bytes podcast explores threat intelligence with sponsor Fortinet and its FortiGuard Labs. FortiGuard Labs analyzes billions of global security events daily and distills them into actionable information for network and security teams. Fortinet also uses those events to inform security updates to its products.

The post Tech Bytes: How Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs Turns Billions Of Security Events Into Intelligence (Sponsored) appeared first on Packet Pushers.