
Category Archives for "Networking"

Network Break 309: Arista Rolls Out New Campus Switches; Financial Reporting Roundup

Guest commentator Johna Till Johnson, CEO of Nemertes Research, brings her analytical eye to this week's Network Break. Coverage includes new Arista campus switches, a Dutch telco shutting down legacy TDM systems, Google Chrome getting its own certificate store, and a massive Bitcoin seizure.

The post Network Break 309: Arista Rolls Out New Campus Switches; Financial Reporting Roundup appeared first on Packet Pushers.

Technical Debt (or Is Future Proofing Even a Good Idea?)

What, really, is “technical debt?” It’s tempting to say “anything legacy,” but then why do we need a new phrase to describe “legacy stuff?” Even the prejudice against legacy stuff isn’t all that rational when you think about it. Something that’s old might also just be well-tested, or well-worn but still serviceable. Let’s try another tack.

Technical debt, in the software world, can be defined as working on a piece of software for long periods of time by only adding features, and never refactoring or reorganizing the code to meet current conditions. The general idea is that as new features are added on top of the old, two things happen. First, the old stuff becomes a sort of opaque box that no-one understands. Second, the stuff being added to the old increasingly relies on public behavior that might be subject to unintended consequences or leaky abstractions.

To resolve this problem in the software world, software is “refactored.” In refactoring, every use of a public API is examined, including what information is being drawn out, or what the expected inputs and outputs are. The old code is then “discarded,” in a sense, and a new underlying function written Continue reading

The Week in Internet News: Facebook Considers New Ways to Combat Disinformation

More moderation: Facebook is looking at new ways to moderate posts on its site to make it more difficult for election disinformation to spread, the New York Times reports. Facebook is looking at adding more “friction,” such as an additional click or two, before users can share posts, according to insiders in the company. The new measures were expected shortly.

Millions without access: About 63 percent of rural residents in Latin America and the Caribbean ­– 77 million people – have little or no access to Internet services, according to a study by the Inter-American Development Bank and Microsoft, Nearshore Americas says. By comparison, about 71 percent of urban residents in the region have access to the Internet.

Bracing for regulation: Residents of Nigeria are expecting the government to move to regulate social media after recent protests, Quartz Africa on Yahoo reports. “We must regulate social media in a manner that it does not become a purveyor of fake news and hate speech,” Nigeria’s minister of information Lai Mohammed said recently. “We will not fold our arms to allow purveyors of fake news and hate speech to use the social media to destabilize the country.”

Right to repair: Campaigners across Continue reading

Installing FTP client (or any other Linux tool) on Cumulus Linux

Hello my friend,

Recently I’ve been engage in some troubleshooting with Cumulus and was looking for the way, how can I send the cl-support file from my switches directly to the vendor support bypassing downloading them to my laptop.

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Eager to learn about network automation?

We are here to help you. At our network automation training you learn all you need to know to be successful with such tasks in your profession:

  • Foundation, operation and administration of Linux, Docker, KVM
  • Structure, syntax, and content of YANG models
  • Structure, syntax, and application of various data encoding formats: JSON, XML, Protocol Buffers (Protobuf)
  • Operation and application of different transport protocols SSH, HTTP, gRPC
  • Operation and application of management specifications: CLI, gNMI, NETCONF, RESTCONF/REST API
  • How to use and manage everything above with Ansible, Bash, and Python

Start your automation training today.

Brief description

Let’s take a closer look into the issue. The Cumulus Linux is based on the Continue reading

Innovative Methodologies for Freelance Writers

Whenever anyone thinks about freelancing, they just imagine someone being by the beach relaxing and doing soft work either with their laptops or their mobile devices. And actually, this is the aim of freelancing. It helps one to freely work in their comfortable places. Freelance writers also have the choice to choose exactly when they would work and when they would rest. Nothing is forcefully put on them. They live a life of choice.

Though this makes it seem like freelancers have it simple and basic, it is one of the things lots of people don’t understand in the freelancing world.

Issues Faced by Freelance Writers

One of the main issues is that freelancing isn’t a consistent job. This means you could get a lot of jobs in a week and the next month you could get nothing. Getting to a point where you’ll be constantly getting gigs is quite difficult too. There’s a lot of competition in this career choice that is quite rewarding. But it is a sensitive issue if you think about it. It can get quite frustrating too.

What Makes Things Get this Difficult?

For one to succeed in the world of freelancing, you need to Continue reading

New Content: VMware NSX-T 3.0 Update

When VMware NSX-T 3.0 came out, I planned to do an update session of the VMware NSX Technical Deep Dive webinar along the lines of what I did for AWS Networking a few weeks ago. However, it turned out that most of the new features didn’t take more than a bullet or two on an existing slide, or at most a new slide.

Covering them in a live session and then slicing-and-dicing the resulting recording simply didn’t make sense, so I updated the videos in summer 2020 (the last batch was published in early August).

Jinja2 Tutorial – Part 6 – Include and Import

Welcome to another instalment in my Jinja2 Tutorial series. So far we've learned a lot about rendering, control structures and various functions. Here we'll start discussing language features that help us deal with organizing templates. First constructs we'll look at are include and import statements.

Jinja2 Tutorial series



Include and Import statements are some of the tools that Jinja gives us to help with organizing collections of templates, especially once these grow in size.

By using these constructs we can split templates into smaller logical units, leading to files with well-defined scopes. This in turn will make it easier to Continue reading

Quick personal vpn – wireguard with aws

I have written about wire-guard previously about how easy it is to set-up a personal vpn

What is the issue: I have never explained the use-case clearly in that post, let me try to re-attempt the write-up again

you see, on a personal basis I need to access few websites which are hosted in India, issue with these websites is that they dont allow any traffic external to the country

There are many browser based proxies out there which can do this task just fine and also paid services, my problem is that when you are exchanging user/password information and financial transactions over these proxies you don’t know how exactly all this data getting exchanged and transmitted

Few Tips from my experience before i get into the post :

-> you need to change ubuntu instances ipv4 forwarding so that it will forward packets through the instance also nats it

root@ip-172-31-34-66:~# cat /etc/sysctl.conf | egrep -i ip_forward

-> Make sure you dont start routing everything first, take public DNS’s and test the system with allowed_ips in the configuration file else you will loose internet access and if not done correctly you will Continue reading

Announcing Spectrum DDoS Analytics and DDoS Insights & Trends

Announcing Spectrum DDoS Analytics and DDoS Insights & Trends
Announcing Spectrum DDoS Analytics and DDoS Insights & Trends

We’re excited to announce the expansion of the Network Analytics dashboard to Spectrum customers on the Enterprise plan. Additionally, this announcement introduces two major dashboard improvements for easier reporting and investigation.

Network Analytics

Cloudflare's packet and bit oriented dashboard, Network Analytics, provides visibility into Internet traffic patterns and DDoS attacks in Layers 3 and 4 of the OSI model. This allows our users to better understand the traffic patterns and DDoS attacks as observed at the Cloudflare edge.

When the dashboard was first released in January, these capabilities were only available to Bring Your Own IP customers on the Spectrum and Magic Transit services, but now Spectrum customers using Cloudflare’s Anycast IPs are also supported.

Protecting L4 applications

Spectrum is Cloudflare’s L4 reverse-proxy service that offers unmetered DDoS protection and traffic acceleration for TCP and UDP applications. It provides enhanced traffic performance through faster TLS, optimized network routing, and high speed interconnection. It also provides encryption to legacy protocols and applications that don’t come with embedded encryption. Customers who typically use Spectrum operate services in which network performance and resilience to DDoS attacks are of utmost importance to their business, such as email, remote access, and gaming.

Spectrum customers Continue reading

Securing Your Work From Home


Wanna make your security team’s blood run cold? Remind them that all that time and effort they put in to securing the enterprise from attackers and data exfiltration is currently sitting unused while we all work from home. You might have even heard them screaming at the sky just now.

Enterprise security isn’t easy, nor should it be. We constantly have to be on the offensive to find new attack vectors and hunt down threats and exploits. We have spent years and careers building defense-in-depth to an artform not unlike making buttery croissants. It’s all great when that apparatus is protecting our enterprise data center and cloud presence like a Scottish castle repelling invaders. Right now we’re in the wilderness with nothing but a tired sentry to protect us from the marauders.

During Security Field Day 4, I led a discussion panel with the delegates about the challenges of working from home securely. Here’s a link to our discussion that I wanted to spend some time elaborating on:

Home Is Where the Exploits Are

BYOD was a huge watershed moment for the enterprise because we realized for the first time that we had to learn to secure other people’s Continue reading

Member News: Internet in a Small Box

Net-á-porter: The South African Chapter of the Internet Society has been promoting an “Internet-in-a-box” initiative using an SD card to configure an inexpensive Raspberry Pi device. Interested people can configure an SD card or even order a pre-loaded SD card.

Taxing the ‘Net: The Mexico Chapter has gone on record as opposing a digital services tax proposed by the Mexican government. “If this initiative is approved, which would have a negative impact on free access to content and information by citizens, [and] we could find ourselves with a potential instrument of discrimination and censorship,” the Chapter said. The tax on foreign digital services would be 16 percent.

Moving governance forward: Pacific Islands Chapter member Swaran Ravindra noted that cybersecurity and digital inclusion were big topics at the recent Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum 2020. “Disruptive technologies … have enormous benefits for the Pacific region at large, but we cannot ignore the need for our people to be completely cognizant of the cybersecurity issues which we are being exposed to,” she wrote. “Fiji struggles with cyberbullying, suicide, mental health issues, fraud, and crime [that] technology may have been a part of, either intentionally or unintentionally. In order to leverage technology Continue reading