
Category Archives for "Networking"

Cloudflare’s privacy-first Web Analytics is now available for everyone

Cloudflare’s privacy-first Web Analytics is now available for everyone
Cloudflare’s privacy-first Web Analytics is now available for everyone

In September, we announced that we’re building a new, free Web Analytics product for the whole web. Today, I’m excited to announce that anyone can now sign up to use our new Web Analytics — even without changing your DNS settings. In other words, Cloudflare Web Analytics can now be deployed by adding an HTML snippet (in the same way many other popular web analytics tools are) making it easier than ever to use privacy-first tools to understand visitor behavior.

Why does the web need another analytics service?

Popular analytics vendors have business models driven by ad revenue. Using them implies a bargain: they track visitor behavior and create buyer profiles to retarget your visitors with ads; in exchange, you get free analytics.

At Cloudflare, our mission is to help build a better Internet, and part of that is to deliver essential web analytics to everyone with a website, without compromising user privacy. For free. We’ve never been interested in tracking users or selling advertising. We don’t want to know what you do on the Internet — it’s not our business.

Our customers have long relied on Cloudflare’s Analytics because we’re accurate, fast, and privacy-first. In September we released a Continue reading

Deprecating the __cfduid cookie

Deprecating the __cfduid cookie
Deprecating the __cfduid cookie

Cloudflare is deprecating the __cfduid cookie. Starting on 10 May 2021, we will stop adding a “Set-Cookie” header on all HTTP responses. The last __cfduid cookies will expire 30 days after that.

We never used the __cfduid cookie for any purpose other than providing critical performance and security services on behalf of our customers. Although, we must admit, calling it something with “uid” in it really made it sound like it was some sort of user ID. It wasn't. Cloudflare never tracks end users across sites or sells their personal data. However, we didn't want there to be any questions about our cookie use, and we don’t want any customer to think they need a cookie banner because of what we do.

The primary use of the cookie is for detecting bots on the web. Malicious bots may disrupt a service that has been explicitly requested by an end user (through DDoS attacks) or compromise the security of a user's account (e.g. through brute force password cracking or credential stuffing, among others). We use many signals to build machine learning models that can Continue reading

Hyperconvergence as a service offers hands-off data-center management

Hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) has made substantial inroads in enterprise environments, and vendors have responded with new use cases and purchasing scenarios, including an emerging deployment option: HCI as a service.Conventional HCI combines servers, storage and network resources into a single box, providing adopters with a gateway to simplified, centralized data-center management. HCI as a service (HCIaaS) ups the ante by enabling data-center operators to adopt HCI in a manner that promises to reduce both operational and financial overhead.Several HCI vendors, including VMware, Nutanix, Dell, and HPE, offer a managed service option, says Naveen Chhabra, a senior analyst at IT research firm Forrester. "It basically turns the capital expenditure and one-time investment into an [operating expense]," Chhabra says. "In most cases, the vendor will also manage the HCI's day-to-day operations."To read this article in full, please click here

Hyperconvergence as a service offers hands-off data-center management

Hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) has made substantial inroads in enterprise environments, and vendors have responded with new use cases and purchasing scenarios, including an emerging deployment option: HCI as a service.Conventional HCI combines servers, storage and network resources into a single box, providing adopters with a gateway to simplified, centralized data-center management. HCI as a service (HCIaaS) ups the ante by enabling data-center operators to adopt HCI in a manner that promises to reduce both operational and financial overhead.Several HCI vendors, including VMware, Nutanix, Dell, and HPE, offer a managed service option, says Naveen Chhabra, a senior analyst at IT research firm Forrester. "It basically turns the capital expenditure and one-time investment into an [operating expense]," Chhabra says. "In most cases, the vendor will also manage the HCI's day-to-day operations."To read this article in full, please click here

Implement Private VLAN Functionality with Linux Bridge and Libvirt

I wanted to test routing protocol behavior (IS-IS in particular) on partially meshed multi-access layer-2 networks like private VLANs or Carrier Ethernet E-Tree service. I recently spent plenty of time creating a Vagrant/libvirt lab environment on my Intel NUC running Ubuntu 20.04, and I wanted to use that environment in my tests.

Challenge-of-the-day: How do you implement private VLAN functionality with Vagrant using libvirt plugin?

There might be interesting KVM/libvirt options I’ve missed, but so far I figured two ways of connecting Vagrant-controlled virtual machines in libvirt environment:

Adapt Business Agility with Modern Load Balancing

It’s no secret that enterprises are rapidly automating the modern network across compute, storage, and network environments. What you may not know is that load balancing is being left behind. Traditional legacy architectures were conceived decades ago and were not designed with the needs of the modern enterprise in mind. They are simply not scalable, agile, or flexible enough. As a result, enterprises have had to overprovision their load balancers — whether physical or virtual — resulting in complexity and waste.

We all know that waste and complexity are the enemy of the modern enterprise, and, thankfully, the cloud offers a solution. Cloud-native load balancers provide automation and elasticity, but they do not come with a rich feature set or provide consistency between on-premises and cloud environments. It’s a tricky trade off that prevents enterprises from truly achieving their digital transformation goals.

But don’t fret. There is a viable solution. VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer (ALB) gives enterprises the best of both worlds — an adaptable, flexible, and scalable load balancer that combines the simplicity of the public cloud with the rich features inherent in an enterprise-grade solution. Check out Ashish Shah’s VMworld breakout session on the need for a Continue reading

Docker CLI Cheat Sheet

Docker is a fantastic tool. In this post I am documenting common/useful commands for working with the Docker CLI. Containers Show all local running containers. Show all local containers. Stop all local running containers. Stop all local stopped containers. Images Show all local...

Operationalizing Advanced East-West Security at Scale in the Datacenter

East-west security is the new battleground for keeping enterprises safe from malicious actors. As we all know, perimeters will be breached. That’s a given. The massive scale of data center infrastructure makes it too easy for bad actors to find a vulnerable, unpatched server, penetrate it, and hide out — often for months and years — stealing your information, monitoring your communications, and causing disruptions.

According to Ambika Kapur, vice president of product marketing for VMware’s networking and security business unit, it’s imperative that enterprises come to the realization that bad actors will get into the network — and focus more on blocking their lateral movement once they make that initial breach. She spent years in the firewalling space at Cisco and learned how vulnerable perimeter security can be. Now, at VMware, Kapur is helping to lead the effort to make east-west security a viable option through a software-based approach that is scalable and cost-efficient.

Check out Kapur’s VMworld breakout session on operationalizing east-west security at scale to learn exactly how we are able to stop the lateral spread of threats and ultimately harden enterprise security:

Rather than hairpinning traffic to a dedicated physical appliance, VMware breaks up the firewall Continue reading

Looking Glass of Cloud Networking

Since the 2000 era, the network has changed dramatically, becoming more and more mission-critical. There are so many drivers powering today’s digital network transformation. Think about the Internet of Things or the cloud native applications or OT, operational technology. All of these are connected via cognitive cloud networking with its agile software stack, programmability and a leaf-spine network for all traffic types. This cloud network, pioneered by Arista is hungry for more innovation when it comes to secure visibility. It is a hard problem after all—network data is orders of magnitude more voluminous then typical data sources of ingestion.

Looking Glass of Cloud Networking

Since the 2000 era, the network has changed dramatically, becoming more and more mission-critical. There are so many drivers powering today’s digital network transformation. Think about the Internet of Things or the cloud native applications or OT, operational technology. All of these are connected via cognitive cloud networking with its agile software stack, programmability and a leaf-spine network for all traffic types. This cloud network, pioneered by Arista is hungry for more innovation when it comes to secure visibility. It is a hard problem after all—network data is orders of magnitude more voluminous then typical data sources of ingestion.

Using NetBox for Ansible Source of Truth

Here you will learn about NetBox at a high level, how it works to become a Source of Truth (SoT), and look into the use of the Ansible Content Collection, which is available on Ansible Galaxy. The goal is to show some of the capabilities that make NetBox a terrific tool and why you will want to use NetBox as your network Source of Truth for automation!

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Source of Truth

Why a Source of Truth? The Source of Truth is where you go to get the intended state of the device. There does not need to be a single Source of Truth, but you should have a single Source of Truth per data domain, often referred to as the System of Record (SoR). For example, if you have a database that maintains your physical sites that is used by teams outside of the IT domain, that should be the Source of Truth on physical sites. You can aggregate the data from the physical site Source of Truth into other data sources for automation. Just be aware that when it comes time to collect data, then it should come from that other tool.

The first step in creating a network automation Continue reading

Introducing the 2021 Action Plan: Our Commitment to the Internet

About a year ago we launched our 2020 Action Plan with great anticipation. We had a nice neat list of the most urgent Internet issues to tackle, and we would work as a whole community, coming together as people from all over to press for our vision: The Internet is for Everyone.

Then 2020 came and we learned how quickly plans can be upended.

Yet it has underscored that the Internet is not only a global technical infrastructure, but also a resource that enriches people’s lives. Our world – our ability to work, keep in touch, and share information – would be radically different without it. This gives our work a renewed sense of urgency.

The Internet needs a voice.

Today, nearly half the people of the world still have no access and far too many people live in places where the Internet is expensive, slow, and congested.

Today, too few Internet policy discussions are based on facts and measurements, while too many start from a mistaken understanding of how the Internet works. Far too many companies and politicians would rather their customers and voters be passive consumers than the active, powerful contributors they can be.

Today, too many governments Continue reading

BiB099: Isovalent Brings You Cilium Enterprise

Isovalent is essentially a commercially supported flavor of Cilium, although it’s more than that. Isovalent is offering Cilium Enterprise, which adds more capability to the Cilium Community project. Is there enough “more” to make you want to invest in Cilium Enterprise? That will depend on your organizational needs, of course, but the differences are substantial enough to warrant investigation.

The post BiB099: Isovalent Brings You Cilium Enterprise appeared first on Packet Pushers.

BiB099: Isovalent Brings You Cilium Enterprise

Isovalent is essentially a commercially supported flavor of Cilium, although it’s more than that. Isovalent is offering Cilium Enterprise, which adds more capability to the Cilium Community project. Is there enough “more” to make you want to invest in Cilium Enterprise? That will depend on your organizational needs, of course, but the differences are substantial enough to warrant investigation.

Improving DNS Privacy with Oblivious DoH in

Improving DNS Privacy with Oblivious DoH in
Improving DNS Privacy with Oblivious DoH in

Today we are announcing support for a new proposed DNS standard — co-authored by engineers from Cloudflare, Apple, and Fastly — that separates IP addresses from queries, so that no single entity can see both at the same time. Even better, we’ve made source code available, so anyone can try out ODoH, or run their own ODoH service!

But first, a bit of context. The Domain Name System (DNS) is the foundation of a human-usable Internet. It maps usable domain names, such as, to IP addresses and other information needed to connect to that domain. A quick primer about the importance and issues with DNS can be read in a previous blog post. For this post, it’s enough to know that, in the initial design and still dominant usage of DNS, queries are sent in cleartext. This means anyone on the network path between your device and the DNS resolver can see both the query that contains the hostname (or website) you want, as well as the IP address that identifies your device.

To safeguard DNS from onlookers and third parties, the IETF standardized DNS encryption with DNS over HTTPS (DoH) and DNS over TLS (DoT). Both protocols Continue reading

OPAQUE: The Best Passwords Never Leave your Device

OPAQUE: The Best Passwords Never Leave your Device
OPAQUE: The Best Passwords Never Leave your Device

Passwords are a problem. They are a problem for reasons that are familiar to most readers. For us at Cloudflare, the problem lies much deeper and broader. Most readers will immediately acknowledge that passwords are hard to remember and manage, especially as password requirements grow increasingly complex. Luckily there are great software packages and browser add-ons to help manage passwords. Unfortunately, the greater underlying problem is beyond the reaches of software to solve.

The fundamental password problem is simple to explain, but hard to solve: A password that leaves your possession is guaranteed to sacrifice security, no matter its complexity or how hard it may be to guess. Passwords are insecure by their very existence.

You might say, “but passwords are always stored in encrypted format!” That would be great. More accurately, they are likely stored as a salted hash, as explained below. Even worse is that there is no way to verify the way that passwords are stored, and so we can assume that on some servers passwords are stored in cleartext. The truth is that even responsibly stored passwords can be leaked and broken, albeit (and thankfully) with enormous effort. An increasingly pressing problem stems from the Continue reading

Good-bye ESNI, hello ECH!

Good-bye ESNI, hello ECH!
Good-bye ESNI, hello ECH!

Most communication on the modern Internet is encrypted to ensure that its content is intelligible only to the endpoints, i.e., client and server. Encryption, however, requires a key and so the endpoints must agree on an encryption key without revealing the key to would-be attackers. The most widely used cryptographic protocol for this task, called key exchange, is the Transport Layer Security (TLS) handshake.

In this post we'll dive into Encrypted Client Hello (ECH), a new extension for TLS that promises to significantly enhance the privacy of this critical Internet protocol. Today, a number of privacy-sensitive parameters of the TLS connection are negotiated in the clear. This leaves a trove of metadata available to network observers, including the endpoints' identities, how they use the connection, and so on.

ECH encrypts the full handshake so that this metadata is kept secret. Crucially, this closes a long-standing privacy leak by protecting the Server Name Indication (SNI) from eavesdroppers on the network. Encrypting the SNI secret is important because it is the clearest signal of which server a given client is communicating with. However, and perhaps more significantly, ECH also lays the groundwork for adding future security features and performance Continue reading