
Category Archives for "Networking"

Network Break 250: VMware Embraces Kubernetes; Dell Partners With VMware On Datacenters, SD-WAN

It's a heaping helping of Network Break as we try to parse all the Kubernetes pronouncements coming out of VMworld 2019, including Project Pacific and Tanzu Mission Control. Plus we cover new tech and new partnerships between Dell EMC and VMware, new products from Apstra and Mellanox, and HPE's latest financials.

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BrandPost: IT Leaders Need to Get Aggressive with SD-WAN

Late last year I moderated a MicroScope roundtable in the UK on the challenges and opportunities of SD-WAN. The representatives included 12 leading SD-WAN vendors, including Michael O’Brien, vice president of worldwide channel sales for Silver Peak. I started off the discussion by introducing a data point from a TechTarget survey (TechTarget owns MicroScope) that only 26 percent of companies surveyed had an SD-WAN deployment underway. This spans any stage of the deployment cycle, including testing. Given the hype around SD-WAN and how many conversations I have with IT leaders about it, this number seemed low to me, so I wanted to get a better feel for what the leading vendors thought about it. To read this article in full, please click here

If You Have to Simulate Your Whole Network, You’re Doing It Wrong

This blog post was initially sent to subscribers of my SDN and Network Automation mailing list. Subscribe here.

Have you ever seen a presentation in which a startup is telling you how awesome their product is because it allows you to simulate your whole network in a virtual environment? Not only that, you can use that capability to build a test suite and a full-blown CI/CD pipeline and test whether your network works every time you make a change to any one box in the network.

Sounds awesome, right? It’s also dead wrong. Let me explain why that’s the case.

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Using predictive analytics to troubleshoot network issues: Fact or fiction?

Predicting the future is getting easier. While it's still not possible to accurately forecast tomorrow's winning lottery number, the ability to anticipate various types of damaging network issues — and nip them in the bud — is now available to any network manager.Predictive analytic tools draw their power from a variety of different technologies and methodologies, including big data, data mining and statistical modeling. A predictive analytics tool can be trained, for instance, to use pattern recognition — the automated recognition of patterns and regularities in data — to identify issues before they become significant problems or result in partial or total network failures.To read this article in full, please click here


 Continuing right off from my last post, we going to continue our run-though of the ADM wrapping the last few phases. Phase E: opportunities & Solution: Now, it’s time for us to review the outputs from our previous phases and to start defining the beginning of our implementation details. We do this in the form of creating the […]

Just Published: NSX-T Technical Deep Dive Slide Deck

Last year when I was creating the first version of VMware NSX Deep Dive content, NSX-V was mainstream and NSX-T was the new kid on the block. A year later NSX-V is mostly sidelined, and all the development efforts are going into NSX-T. Time to adapt the webinar to new reality… taking the usual staged approach:

Cumulus content roundup: Summer 2019

Summer has flown by and you may have missed some of the great content that was published. Don’t worry, you can catch up on some of our favorite podcasts, blog posts, and articles below. So settle in and then dive into all things open networking!

From Cumulus Networks:

Customizing your network: Take a quick look at the types of automation available in Linux, from basic to dynamic, and how these automation capabilities help to enable data center-wide orchestration here.

Kernel of Truth podcast: Network monitoring: When it comes to network monitoring, have you run into a “switch that cried wolf?”Kernel of Truth host Brian O’Sullivan is joined by two new guests to the podcast Justin Betz & Faye Ly to chat more about networking monitoring here.

Best practices: MLAG backup IP: We cover the best ways to build a redundant backup IP link for multi-chassis link aggregation (MLAG).

Exploring Batfish with Cumulus – part one: With Batfish supporting Cumulus Networks this year, we show how it can fit into pipelines & replace or complement existing testing strategies in part one of a two-part series.

Kernel of Truth podcast: Innovation in the data center: Spiderman aka Rama Continue reading

ClearOS Installation on QEMU

ClearOS is an operating system based on CentOS for use in small and medium enterprises as a network gateway and network server with a web-based administration interface.

ClearOS in Gateway mode acts as a firewall, gateway and server on a local network. The tutorial provides installation and configuration steps for deployement of ClearOS on QEMU VM. We will later connect ClearOS QEMU VM into GNS3 network topology in order to test  features such as application traffic filtering and transparent proxy with user authentication.

Software Used:
Host OS: Kubuntu Linux 18.04.1 LTS with Qemu 3.0.0 installed and kvm-intel module loaded
Guest OS: ClearOS 7.5.0 x86_64

1. Preparing Host Network Infrastructure

As we are going to  install ClearOS guest QEMU VM in a gateway mode,  your host should have two network adapters available. (Picture 1). In our case, the first ClearOS guest network interface ens3 will be defined as LAN type during ClearOS installation. The second guest interface ens4 will be defined as External and used for connection to SOHO network. We will bridge the interface ens4 with the host interface enp4s0f2 using iproute utility. But first, we need to create tap interfaces tap0 and Continue reading

Heavy Networking 468: Making The Business Case For SD-WAN

Building a business case for SD-WAN involves more than just anticipating savings by moving from private circuits to business broadband connections. On today's Heavy Networking, we look at how to tie SD-WAN capabilities to business benefits, what to consider when developing a business case, how measure ROI, and more with guest Jason Gintert.

The post Heavy Networking 468: Making The Business Case For SD-WAN appeared first on Packet Pushers.

HPE introduces VMware services on GreenLake

HP Enterprise (HPE) has been aggressively promoting its GreenLake IT consumption model since it was introduced last year. GreenLake is a pay-per-use consumption model where the customer does not take ownership of the hardware but merely leases it and pays only for their use, which is metered.Consumption models have become popular among OEMs looking to keep customers that are anxious to get out of owning expensive assets, such as servers. Dell EMC has its own program called Flex on Demand, and Lenovo has ThinkAgile CP.To read this article in full, please click here

HPE introduces VMware services on GreenLake

HP Enterprise (HPE) has been aggressively promoting its GreenLake IT consumption model since it was introduced last year. GreenLake is a pay-per-use consumption model where the customer does not take ownership of the hardware but merely leases it and pays only for their use, which is metered.Consumption models have become popular among OEMs looking to keep customers that are anxious to get out of owning expensive assets, such as servers. Dell EMC has its own program called Flex on Demand, and Lenovo has ThinkAgile CP.To read this article in full, please click here

Weekly Wrap: AT&T CEO Donovan Departs After Paving SDN Foundation

Weekly Wrap for Aug. 30, 2019: AT&T CEO John Donovan gives his notice; VMware bets the farm on...

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BrandPost: Every business is a technology business

Success for an NFL franchise involves the cultivation of a variety of core competencies both on and off the field. Recently I had the opportunity to spend time with the Seattle Seahawks organization and I was surprised by the extent to which the team utilizes data and digital tools to drive continuous improvements within their core competencies.But then why should I be surprised? Let’s face it, today, every business is a technology business. The Seahawks are no different. They are, like many other companies, investing in digital technologies to improve the product on the field and the fan experience in the stands.Data literacy is a core competency the Seahawks have added to their business. I won’t give away any trade secrets, but let’s take a high-level look at three ways this core competency creates competitive advantage.To read this article in full, please click here

CDNetworks Drives Kubernetes to the Edge

The CDN's Edge Computing Platform Service is built on Kubernetes and Docker using a container...

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Broadcom Releases PCIe Switches for Data Centers

Broadcom claims its PEX88000 family of switches are "ideal for high-throughput and low-latency...

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Cisco Patches Critical Bug in REST API Container

Cisco issued a patch for a critical bug in its IOS XE operating system that could allow a remote...

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