Forensic Lab Game Zero – Level 1 Results
The goal of the post is to provide solutions for the first level of the game for "hackers" created by forensic lab of CESNET association. With this game CESNET introduces a work of forensic analysts and test your knowledge of Linux OS. They are several assignments and practical tasks included inside Debian image which is available for download here. The question / answer sheet is located inside the home directory of user kassad.
Picture 1 - Answer Sheet
1. In the Linux image, which username is logged in automatically on boot?
Check the desktop environment.
kassad@debian1989:~$ echo $DESKOP_SESSION
Check if automated login is enabled for Gnome desktop.
kassad@debian1989:~$ grep 'AutomaticLogin' /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf
AutomaticLoginEnable = true
AutomaticLogin = kassad
The automated login is enabled for the user kassad. Now we need to compute the sha1 hash for the result.
kassad@debian1989:~$ echo -n 'kassad' | sha1sum
2. On the provided Linux image, what is the “ls” command aliased to for user from question 1 ?
kassad@debian1989:~$ type ls
ls is aliased to `ls --color=auto'
We can get the result also by checking the content of the file /home/kassad/.bashrc.
kassad@debian1989:~$ grep 'alias ls' /home/kassad/.bashrc
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
kassad@debian1989:~$ echo -n 'ls --color=auto' Continue reading