This session was titled “IPv6 Microsegmentation,” and the speaker was Ivan Pepelnjak. Ivan is, of course, a well-known figure in the networking space, and publishes content at
The session starts with a discussion of the problems found in Layer 2 IPv6 networks. Some of the problems include spoofing RA (Router Advertisement) messages, NA (Neighbor Advertisement) messages, DHCPv6 spoofing, DAD (Duplicate Address Detection) DoS attacks, and ND (Neighbor Discovery) DoS attacks. All of these messages derive from the assumption that one subnet = one security zone, and therefore intra-subnet communications are not secured.
Note that some of these attacks are also common to IPv4 and are not necessarily unique to IPv6. The difference is that these problems are well understood in IPv4 and therefore many vendors have implemented solutions to mitigate the risks.
According to Ivan, the root cause of all these problems originates with the fact that all LAN infrastructure today emulates 40 year old thick coax cable.
The traditional fix is to add kludges….er, new features—like RA guard (prevents non-routers from sending RA messages), DHCPv6 guard (same sort of functionality), IPv6 ND inspection (same idea), and SAVI (Source Address Verification Inspection; complex idea where all these Continue reading
Google doesn't use VMs, only containers, Interop keynoter Urs Hölzle says.